Katja Tukiainen
Such a Lovely Place
Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, 25.11.2011 - 8.1.2012
Lido, 30 x 40 cm, oil on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011
(private collection)
Four wheel drive, 150 x 150 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011
There was a pleasant smell of vanilla, 100 x 100 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011
(private collection)
Fog, 150 x 150 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011 (private collection)
Rainbow Kid, 60 x 80 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011 (private collection)
Mist, 60 x 80 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011
(private collection)
Good shepherds, 150 x 150 cm, oil and alkyd on canvas, Katja Tukiainen 2011
More photos coming soon.